Mike Danko

As of today, multiple wildfires are actively burning across California. With more than 30 years of wildfire litigation experience, the team at Danko Meredith Fire Lawyers is always monitoring active fires in California. We have represented thousands of people who have lost their homes to fires caused by others’ negligent or reckless behavior. We practice...

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PG&E faces accountability for the destruction of seasonal cabins along Chester Warner Valley Road due to the Dixie Fire. The fire, sparked by PG&E equipment, has triggered claims under inverse condemnation, requiring PG&E to compensate owners for property losses regardless of whether the cabins were used seasonally or year-round. Private landowners in the region affected...

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Vertical flight has come a long way since Leonardo da Vinci first dreamed up the concept of a flying machine as an “aerial screw” more than five centuries ago. Modern helicopters are extremely versatile flying machines that offer some unique benefits when it comes to travel. Not only can you use a helicopter to get...

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“A veteran of legal fights with PG&E, lawyer, Danko said the latest fire appears to be another effect of poor decisions made by company executives years ago. ‘PG&E right now is definitely still, without question, a work in progress,’ Danko said. ‘We’re still suffering the fallout from a long history of very bad management. […]...

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Savvy travelers favor air travel because it’s faster and less accident-prone than other methods of transportation. Airplanes can reach most domestic destinations in hours, while international travel seldom takes more than one day. Likewise, traveling by air allows you to get to your destination faster, provides in-flight entertainment, and offers a sense of comfort. Small...

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You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who would prefer to pay more of their income to the federal government than necessary. Your goal as a taxpayer is typically to pay the IRS as little money as possible. As such, you may be wondering whether you have to report your personal injury settlement when you file...

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When PG&E’s electrical lines ignite a wildfire, resulting in damage to private property, the legal doctrine of inverse condemnation mandates that PG&E compensate for these losses, regardless of whether it was at fault. In California, inverse condemnation provides property owners with recourse when their property rights are adversely affected by government or public utility actions....

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An accident can occur in the blink of an eye, but the effects can last a lifetime. The death of a loved one at the hands of another at-fault individual often goes beyond grief, loss of companionship, and pain and suffering. While no amount of money can replace a family member, a successful wrongful death...

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