You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who would prefer to pay more of their income to the federal government than necessary. Your goal as a taxpayer is typically to pay the IRS as little money as possible. As such, you may be wondering whether you have to report your personal injury settlement when you file...
Personal Injury
Accident victims and their families often ask how long the lawsuit process will take. Most want to resolve their case and get their life back on track as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, there isn’t always a reliable answer to this question. The length of time it takes to resolve your case varies depending on the...
When it comes to New Year’s Eve, the Fourth of July, or any other festive holiday or celebration, you can usually count on the crackle and pop of fireworks across California. While industry professionals set off some firework displays, many others result from youthful recklessness. However, even if the fireworks you set off are legal,...