Cases Result
We succeed because we take nothing at face value. And we know how to uncover the truth, no matter what it takes.
In every case, the defense has a story to tell. We didn’t manufacture the faulty part, they say. We didn’t see any danger. We didn’t do anything wrong and it’s the victim who is really to blame.
Our client’s story is always different from that which defendant would tell. We think that our Representative Cases show that, no matter what the specific situation, we find out what really happened so that we can hold the wrongdoer accountable.
Confidential Settlement
Settlement for a Helicopter Crash
EMS Helicopter and Fixed-Wing Crash Lawyer
$12 million settlement against a maintenance facility for a helicopter crash...
Learn More$13.3 Million
Jury Verdict for a Plane Crash
Airplane Accidents
$13.3 million jury verdict for the family of a 67-year-old pilot killed in a single-engine plane crash...
Learn More$9.75 Million
Settlement for Helicopter Crash
Helicopter Tour Accidents
$9.75 million settlement for a family injured in a tour helicopter crash on the island of Kauai...
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Settlement for a Woman Injured in a Plane Crash
Airplane Accidents
$1.55 million settlement for a woman injured in a plane crash at Lake Tahoe...
Learn More$10 Million
Jury Veredict
California Helicopter Wire Strike Attorney
$10 million jury verdict for the widow of a pilot killed in a helicopter crash...
Learn More$32 Million
Wrongful Death Settlement
Airplane Accidents
$32 million wrongful death settlement for a foreign plane crash...
Learn More$11 Million
Confidential Settlement
California Utility Fire Lawyer
$11 million confidential settlement for women injured in a fuel-fed fire...
Learn More$9.8 Million
Jury Verdict Against a Snow Resort
$9.8 million jury verdict against a snow resort for a woman injured in a snowboarding accident...
Learn More$10 Million
Confidential Settlement
$10 million confidential settlement for a woman injured by a dangerous consumer product...
Learn More$2.6 Million
California Pharmaceutical Injury Attorney
$2.6 million settlement for a policy holder whose insurance company wrongfully refused to pay $225,000 in medical bills...
Learn More$9.5 Million
Chandler v. State of California
Chris Chandler, age 62, was struck by a car and killed while crossing a state highway. The police blamed Chris for riding his...
Learn More$20 Million
Case Name Confidential
Our client was walking along the sidewalk on her lunch break. An underground electrical vault exploded, blowing off a manhole cover and burning her severely. We filed a lawsuit against the electrical...
Learn More$14.9 Million
Burdett v. Teledyne Continental Motors
The pilot of a Beechcraft was forced to crash-land in a vineyard because the engine came apart in cruise flight. His 44-year-old passenger suffered serious head...
Learn More$9.5 Million
Case Name Confidential
Plaintiff suffered burns while escaping from a fuel-fed fire. She remembered little of the sudden fire or her subsequent treatment and rehabilitation, which...
Learn More$12 Million
Case Name Confidential
An air ambulance helicopter crashed when one of the main rotor blades came apart in flight. The three-person crew was killed. The rotor blades were...
Learn More$50 Million
Jing-Li v. Sheng Hsiang Jen Foods
Jeffrey’s father gave 2-year-old Jeffrey a popular Mini-Jel candy as a special treat. Jeffrey began to choke. His father tried to remove the candy from Jeffrey’s throat but could not dislodge it....
Learn More$2.9 Million
Kyne v. PG&E
Gas leaked from a service line buried beneath a busy street. The gas found its way into nearby homes, where it ignited. The explosion killed two and burned three. PG&E blamed a contractor who s...
Learn More$2.9 Million
Young v. Standard Aero
A professional pilot was flying his helicopter over rough terrain when the turbine engine stopped and the helicopter crashed. The pilot survived the crash but injured...
Learn More$2.2 Million
Dunn v. State of Hawaii
A 41-year-old cyclist was riding his bicycle on the island of Oahu an hour before dawn, training for a triathlon. As he came down a hill on the Kalanianaole Highway, he lost control of the bicycle, fe...
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Crane v. Firestone
Joey Crane, 20, and his brother Bobby, 17, were driving from Danville, California, to Los Angeles in the family’s SUV for a vacation at the beach. Suddenly the tread peeled off the right rear tire....
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PG&E Wildfires in Calaveras County
A wildfire raged through Calaveras County burning 70,000 acres and hundreds of homes. The fire started when a tree contacted a PG&E power line. We determ...
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In re PG&E “San Bruno Fire” Cases
When one of PG&E’s underground gas lines ruptured in San Bruno, California, it caused an explosion that killed eight, destroyed 38 homes,...
Learn More$2.3 Million
Case Name Confidential
The air ambulance was a twin-engine fixed wing turboprop with four aboard. Thirteen minutes into the flight, the pilot reported to air traffic contr...
Learn More$5 Million
Ekins-Coward v. University of Hawai'i
An academic researcher was seriously injured when her laboratory experiment exploded. The university who sponsored the research denied liabil...
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