Shawn brought one of the earliest Unruh Civil Rights Act claims on behalf of a transgender plaintiff.
Shawn Miller has represented clients in cases involving motor vehicle accidents, bicycle accidents, plane crashes, race discrimination, sexual orientation harassment, HIV discrimination, and medical negligence.
He was a member of the team that prepared for trial six of the bellwether cases that arose from the PG&E gas explosion in San Bruno, California. Shawn has second-chaired jury trials ranging from personal injury to insurance bad faith, including one employment trial that resulted in a $60 million jury verdict.
Shawn graduated from the Georgetown School for Foreign Service in Washington D.C. in 1995. He worked as a business consultant before obtaining his law degree from the University of San Francisco in 2005.
He is an active member of the Diversity Committee of the San Francisco Trial Lawyers’ Association and is a member of the Consumer Attorneys of California and the American Association for Justice. He is an active member of the Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom.